Zeiss for Health Care professionals

Contact us

We are here for you. Let us know what we can help you with, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Sales and product inquiry

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For more product information or making a sales request.
Please indicate your product interest and information requirement.

The information entered in the contact form will be used to answer your request by Carl Zeiss Meditec AG, our local Carl Zeiss Meditec sales companies via email or phone. If you want to have more information on data processing at ZEISS please refer to our data privacy notice.

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Service inquiry

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For assistance or questions regarding your ZEISS product.
Please fill in this form and we will get back to you.

The information entered in the contact form will be used to answer your request by Carl Zeiss Meditec AG, our local Carl Zeiss Meditec sales companies via email or phone. If you want to have more information on data processing at ZEISS please refer to our data privacy notice.

General inquiry

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For general inquiries related to careers, press, company information.
Please provide details to your request.

The information entered in the contact form will be used to answer your request by Carl Zeiss Meditec AG, our local Carl Zeiss Meditec sales companies via email or phone. If you want to have more information on data processing at ZEISS please refer to our data privacy notice.

Direct contact