Brown-haired boy with round glasses wearing ZEISS MyoCare lenses stands in the foreground and smiles at the camera. In the background are two girls wearing ZEISS MyoCare lenses playing with hoops and gymnastic balls.

ZEISS MyoCare lenses

A better outlook on life.

Our first age-related Myopia Management portfolio with lens designs aimed to slow the progression of myopia. MyoCare is backed by ZEISS innovation and more than a decade of experience in developing lenses to manage myopia progression.

  • Effective myopia management in children
  • Good vision for all viewing angles
  • Comfortable vision
  • Full UV protection

Myopia is a growing concern worldwide

  • 50%

    of the world’s population may be myopic ​by 2050.​1

  • ~ 90%

    of young people in urban areas in Asia below the age of 20 are myopic.2

  • > 2 decades

    of basic and clinical research and the successful application of Myopia Management lens solutions in East Asia.  ​

  • In 2014

    ZEISS began its partnership with the LIFE Child study to monitor refractive development in Caucasian children.

  • > 1.3 million

    data points collected in Euronet Market Research over the past 20 years from more than 400 real-world eye care practices distributed across Germany.

Young brown-haired girl without glasses rubbing her eyes while reading a book.

One problem – many solutions.

Optical, medical and behavioral treatments.

Because of its multifactorial causes, there’s no one-and-only treatment for myopia. In fact, there are many treatment options on the market including optical, medical and behavioral treatments.
The choice of myopia treatments for children should be based on the age of onset and axial length or refraction at a given age, along with knowledge of their individual rate of progression and overall risk profile. Comprehensive myopia treatment includes a combination of lifestyle advice, a refractive correction method for full-time use and myopia control methods to reduce or eliminate further progression.

One problem – many solutions
3D illustration of specialized rigid contact lens for night-time use.

Orthokeratology for progressive myopia

Specialized rigid contact lenses are worn overnight to allow clear vision during the day. Corneal reshaping effectively corrects refractive errors while slowing axial elongation. Its effects may vary from day to day.

3D illustration of soft contact lens.

Soft contact lenses

Dual-focus soft contact lens designs are worn during the day. The soft contact lenses feature concentric optical zones that simultaneously achieve foveal correction and retinal myopic defocus.

Kids eyeglass lenses with black, red and soft pink frame with hearts.

Eyeglass lenses

The least invasive and most accessible method for correcting myopia. The advantage of special eyeglass lens designs is that they correct vision and control the progression of myopia at the same time. New generation eyeglass lenses utilize optical microstructures that help manage the progression of myopia. Eyeglass lenses are easy to wear, affordable and generally well accepted and tolerated, making this the most favorable solution.

3D illustration of an eyedropper.

Pharmaceutical methods

This involves the application of pharmaceuticals. Pharmaceutical methods are reportedly effective in managing myopia progression.

3D illustration of a black and white soccer ball.

Outdoor activities

Frequent outdoor activity is recommended to prevent or delay the onset of myopia. This equates to a minimum of 2 hours of intermittent outdoor time per day including additional outdoor time after school.3

ZEISS MyoCare lenses in a beige rose frame are shown on a light blue balloon. In the background is another slightly darker blue balloon.

A new lens design.

Creating simultaneous competing defocus.

Our latest lens designed to manage progressive myopia in children is built on more than a decade of ZEISS innovation and experience in myopia management, in collaboration with optical experts including material and vision scientists, eye care practitioners and academics. The design of ZEISS MyoCare lenses incorporates scientific concepts from proven scientific research, evidence-based learnings and effective treatments, including orthokeratology, soft multifocal contact lenses, science and the latest generation of eyeglasses.

ZEISS MyoCare disco side illustration.

Finding the right balance with ZEISS C.A.R.E. technology.

The perfect combination of distinct optimization parameters and a specific design.

An effective myopia mangement lens must overcome certain design challenges and strike the optimum balance between myopia progression management and good vision. To achieve this, we have included the following in our ZEISS Myopia Management solutions:

  • A central zone small enough to establish an effective functional zone projecting myopic defocus on the near periphery close to the fovea
  • A mean addition surface power to induce the intended relative myopic defocus
  • A carefully selected fill factor to deliver high efficacy while preserving good wearability
Two girls and one boy wearing ZEISS MyoCare lenses. They are looking at a plant; two of the three kids are looking at the plant through magnifying glasses.

ZEISS ClearFocus design.

Addressing the constant movement of the eyes.

Eyeglass lenses have to take into account the moving eye behind the lens to ensure that the intended correction and myopic defocus are maintained for all gaze angles. With the ZEISS ClearFocus design, both the optimal refractive correction according to the patient’s refractive requirements and the intended myopic defocus are maintained for all gaze directions. This is important not only for distinct viewing behavior through the central clear zone when pursuing a focused task, but also for unintended gazes and saccades to the lens periphery.
Besides this, the ZEISS ClearFocus design effectively minimizes the induction of hyperopic defocus as opposed to typical spherical single vision lenses.

ClearFocus design.
Two line graphs that show the comparative mathematical simulation of spherical single vision lenses (in red) and MyoCare lenses (in blue).

Comparative mathematical simulation of spherical single vision lenses (in red) and MyoCare lenses (in blue)

ZEISS ClearFocus design aimed at effectively minimizing the induction of hyperopic defocus.

The spherical error on spherical single vision lenses becomes obvious at a distance of about 10 mm from the lens center, with increasing negative power toward the outer lens perimeter, thereby inducing hyperopic defocus.
In contrast to traditional spherical lens designs, ZEISS MyoCare lenses exhibit a flat and almost invariant spherical error throughout the lens, ensuring that the focus remains close to the intended focus shell, i.e., close to the retina. With increasing eccentricity from the lens center, the spherical error even grows slightly more positive, inducing relative myopic defocus.

In summary, the ZEISS ClearFocus design featured in MyoCare® lenses effectively minimizes unwanted hyperopic defocus for all viewing angles.

Three images depicting developmental milestones. On the left, a baby is placed on a scale by a healthcare practitioner; in the middle a boy is measured against a length chart on the wall; and on the right a girl is receiving an eye test.

A new approach to measure effectiveness.

Emmetropic progression ratio.

Each myopia progression management intervention has its own advantages and disadvantages, but each option pursues a common target:
To slow the progression of myopia.
Developmental milestones offer important insights into a child’s developmental health. Reaching specific milestones at a given age shows a child is developing as expected. A comparison between normal physiological growth and the patient’s current growth is needed to observe whether there is some type of non-physiological deviation present.

The ZEISS MyoCare designs show an average emmetropic progression ratio for axial length of up to 86% for children aged 10–12 years and 63% for children aged 7–9 years.4

Emmetropic progression ratio.
A line graph that shows the annual reduction in progression of axial length – baseline by age.

Age-normal physiological growth curves.

It’s no different when it comes to vision development. The focus here is on the difference between the physiological elongation of the eye and the non-physiological (myopic) elongation, in other words, how far the child’s current status is from the age-normal physiological growth for emmetropic children. The aim is to follow or to be as close as possible to the age-normal physiological growth curves of emmetropic children.

The physiological emmetropic curve in the graph acts as the baseline value that is used as the reference to evaluate the treatment effectiveness of our myopic progression intervention, MyoCare.

A line graph that displays annual progression of axial length showing physiological emmetropic growth in black at the bottom, myopic growth in red on top and the results for ZEISS MyoCare lenses in blue in the middle. This graph indicates that myopia progression is below the myopic growth curve when ZEISS MyoCare lenses are worn.

Emmetropic progression ratio as a percentage of effectivity.

Once the treatment baseline is established, the emmetropic progression ratio is the parameter that indicates how close children with the intervention are coming to the emmetropic growth curve in contrast to the myopic growth curve.

The aim is to get the absolute reduction curve of the myopia management solution (blue line) as close as possible to the physiological emmetropization curve (black line) in contrast to the myopic curve (red line).

The emmetropic growth ratio is calculated with a specific formula.

ZEISS MyoCare designs effectively slow the progression of myopia to approach the physiological growth curve.4

A portrait photograph of a young boy wearing glasses, with another portrait photograph of an older girl wearing glasses next to it. Below the two portrait shots are various eyeglass frames and lenses.

New age-related Myopia Management lens solutions

ZEISS MyoCare and ZEISS MyoCare S

Different interventions have different effects. The same goes for the two different designs in the MyoCare portfolio. According to research results, there is a significant group difference in axial length and the spherical equivalent refraction change between the untreated group wearing single vision correction and the treatment group wearing ZEISS MyoCare lenses. Based on this, it is recommended that separate designs are used for separate age groups:

  • MyoCare® for children younger than 10 years
  • MyoCare® S for children 10 years and up
A boy and a girl, both wearing glasses, are bouncing playfully on gym balls.

Why you should choose MyoCare® lenses.

Vision as good as with single vision lenses.

When using a lens that is effective in managing myopia progression in children, it also makes sense to look at the comfort and vision experienced by the wearer. So it’s important to listen to what children have to say.

98% of children claimed that their distance and near vision was very good when wearing ZEISS MyoCare designs, and 100% of children adapted to the lenses within one day.4

There should never be limits on fun for kids! When wearing ZEISS MyoCare lenses, children can still enjoy activities such as reading, outdoor play and sports. With MyoCare, you can provide your young patients with the best care.

MyoCare® portfolio

A better oulook on life.

ZEISS MyoCare innovations.

New lens designs to deliver simultaneous competing defocus.

A Myopia Management lens design aimed at slowing the progression of myopia in children is based on two key aspects.

  • Icon showing three circles.

    ZEISS C.A.R.E. technology (Cylindrical Annular Refractive Elements)

    Alternating defocus and correction zones in a ring-like pattern on the front surface, expanding towards the periphery of the lens. These  microstructures deliver a “stop signal” to slow the  progression of axial elongation.

  • Icon showing an eye in a circle with three arrows – left, down and right.

    ZEISS ClearFocus design

    Aimed at removing the growth signal, the optimized back surface minimizes hyperopic defocus in the periphery of the lens. Both the refractive correction as well as the patient’s intended myopic defocus are maintained for all gaze directions. This technology supports the effectivity and wearability of ZEISS MyoCare lenses.

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  • 1

    Holden BA, Fricke TR, Wilson DA, Jong M, Naidoo KS, Sankaridurg P, Wong TY, Naduvilath TJ, Resnikoff S, Global Prevalence of Myopia and High Myopia and Temporal Trends from 2000 through 2050, Ophthalmology. 2016;123(5):1036–1042.

  • 2

    Chen M, Wu A, Zhang L, et al. The increasing prevalence of myopia and high myopia among high school students in Fenghua city, eastern China: a 15-year population-based survey. BMC Ophthalmol. 2018;18(1):159. doi: 10.1186/s12886-018-0829-8.

  • 3

    Xiong S, Sankaridurg P, Naduvilath T, Zang J, Zou H, Zhu J, Lv M, He X, Xu X. Time spent in outdoor activities in relation to myopia prevention and control: a meta-analysis and systematic review. Acta Ophthalmol. 2017; 9 5 ( 6 ):551- 5 6 6 . d o i: 10 .1111/ a o s .13 4 0 3.

  • 4

    Two-year prospective, double-blind, randomized controlled clinical trial led by Wenzhou Medical University Eye Hospital, China, 2021, on 78 myopic children wearing ZEISS MyoCare Rx lenses, 72 myopic children wearing ZEISS MyoCare S Rx lenses and 76 myopic children wearing ZEISS Single Vision lenses for 12 months. Unpublished results.

  • 5

    We can however say something like exaggerated animation, not real image. The rings can be seen with the naked eye if the lens is held at a certain angle.